Miss Vietnam Wichita 2018Insurance Shoppe was proud to be a Diamond Sponsor for this year's event. Congratulations to all the girls who participated. You guys did great!

Miss Vietnam Wichita 2018

Insurance Shoppe was proud to be a Diamond Sponsor for this year's event. Congratulations to all the girls who participated. You guys did great!

The contestants of Miss Vietnam 2018 visited our office

The contestants of Miss Vietnam 2018 visited our office

Special Thanks to Anushiya Shiley Gomes for stopping by. We are honored to be Diamond Sponsor for this year Wichita Asian Festival Event. We are looking forward to this upcoming festival.

Special Thanks to Anushiya Shiley Gomes for stopping by. We are honored to be Diamond Sponsor for this year Wichita Asian Festival Event. We are looking forward to this upcoming festival.

Miss Vietnam Wichita 2016We are thrilled to have participated in the Miss Vietnam Wichita 2016. It was our first time sponsoring this event; it was exciting, fun and memorable. Thank you for allowing us to be one of the judges for the pageant.

Miss Vietnam Wichita 2016

We are thrilled to have participated in the Miss Vietnam Wichita 2016. It was our first time sponsoring this event; it was exciting, fun and memorable. Thank you for allowing us to be one of the judges for the pageant.